
out of hiding — joy cannelle casteleyn


“The Eye That Never Sleeps”


March 10 – April 1

Open on Friday, Saturday & Sunday. From 2 – 6 pm
At The Hide, Nederkouter 134, 9000 Gent

The Women, don’t hide campaign SPOTLIGHTS in particular one undiscovered woman

who has been creating behind-the-scenes and DESERVES TO BE SEEN. Her name is JOY!

At The Hide, we opened the space TO CHAMPION the work of this up-and-coming

power woman and TO SHOWCASE  her work to the world and to you.


Come enjoy her month-long exhibition The Eye That Never Sleeps“.

Rally behind Joy who has a vision, a passion, a dream and be part of her discovery.




Joyce ‘Joy’ Cannelle Casteleyn (41) was born in South Korean Seoul, but grew up in Ghent with adoptive parents. As a child she already loved to draw. Still Joy remains self-taught. To create, she derives from her emotional life as a displaced child, mother and growing woman. In 2015, Joy decided to be intensively involved with her art. In her quest for freedom she gives free rein to her creative power. Joy lives and works in Ghent.

Joy usually paints with watercolor and Chinese ink. Her figures often reveal and hide animal characteristics. They want to seduce the viewer and turn their sensuality to them. But at the same time you feel a distance in the stately figures, pure in line, visibly in balance. The duality of attracting and repelling is present in almost every work. Joy has also found a personal style with pencil and drawing pen which she continues to develop. Her more illustrative works are refined, sometimes funny, and as dark and alienating as her watercolors. To reveal a true nature, but to keep the mystery: that’s what’s all about. To find that subtle balance, Joy creates her own world.

For more information about the expo “The Eye That Never Sleeps” or the beautiful art work you see in the instagram feed below, please do contact Joy!

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