Tessa Borloo

Tessa Borloo

41 years / Brisbane / Discover more about me 

Wat ik zoal doe.

I am doing a PhD at the Queensland Brain Institute, University of Queensland. My research focuses on novel therapies for people with depression who do not respond to current standard treatments.

Van dit nummer ken ik de tekst van buiten.
(maar sshttt, hou het stil)

Now you have left me speechless. None. But “Novocaine for the Soul” – Eels means a lot to me. #memories


I have had several nicknames over the years. Currently I’m called T-dawg, T-bear or just T by my colleagues. Tough on the outside, fluffy on the inside.

Waar haal jij je energie vandaan?

ME-TIME! I love being around people but that time alone on the couch really recharges my batteries. that and a nice long walk.

Wat zou je nog meer willen doen?

I’m still far from ticking off everything on my Bucket list. But if i would have to pick something, it would definitely be visiting new places and having my own business.

Naar wie of wat ben je nog op zoek?

I’m constantly in search of new challenges and knowledge. Challenges are what keeps me going.

Welk advies wil jij alle vrouwen meegeven?

Don’t go by what-ifs, just follow your heart and chase your dreams. and most importantly, you are not defined by success, failure or the people around you. You are defined by you!

Wie is jouw favoriete straffe madam?

My sister means the world to me. I admire her resilience and how she tackles life and all its challenges, and on top, still finds time for me. She is the strong woman behind me.


“You are you and that is more than good enough.”
my power quote / Tessa