Julie Ragusa

Julie Ragusa

45  jaar / New Orleans/Mississippi Gulf Coast / Discover more about me  

Wat ik zoal doe.

Executive Chef, Professional Photographer and Real Estate Agent

Van dit nummer ken ik de tekst van buiten.
(maar sshttt, hou het stil)



Julie Jawbreaker (JJ), was my Roller Derby naam

Waar haal jij je energie vandaan?

I am driven by ambition and the process along the way- the end result is just an added bonus.

Wat zou je nog meer willen doen?

Get my pilot’s license.!

Naar wie of wat ben je nog op zoek?

I’ve found my soul mate, so the “wie” is taken care of 🙂 I’m looking to always move forward, to learn and evolve as a woman and to achieve greatness! To spread love and gratitude for this awesome thing called life!

Welk advies wil jij alle vrouwen meegeven?

We are all capable of such greatness but we can be our worst enemies. Learn to be your biggest fan.

Wie is jouw favoriete straffe madam?

My mother, I am so grateful for her love and support. And Aussie Janine Sheperd. Former Olympic contendor, hit by a truck while bike training and was told she would never walk again. She became an aerobatics pilot instead… and walked again!


my power quote / Julie